Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Political Thoughts and the Election of 2012

1) The party I feel that I connect with mostly is the conservative democrats. I prefer more modern ideals while focusing and helping the middle class and those in poverty. I support strong national and international defense. Social security and welfare are very important to this society because many veterans and disabled citizens need it and I believe that everyone deserves equal opportunity and care in this country. 

2) I think that socialized healthcare is a negative thing for Americans. This is because taxes would skyrocket and the middle class and poor would dissolve into one in my opinion. Immediate response and access to medical care would not be provided since more people would report to medical facilities rapidly with the mindset and conviction of immediate care.

3) I am completely pro-choice. It is the choice of a woman whether or not to keep the fetus. Many people consider a fetus a child at the moment it is conceived. I believe that the fetus becomes a child when it takes its first breath outside of the womb which is what many states agree on. A woman may have undergone something traumatic or may not be ready to raise a child. If the woman is not ready or does not believe she should deliver the child then it is the smarter choice rather than forcing the child into the already flawed and unreliable foster care system.

4) Since America was built on the idea of equality, I do not believe that it is America's choice or place to infringe upon the rights of homosexuals. They are entitled to all of the rights that other Americans are guaranteed. I have been to numerous gay rights meetings, protests, and even notorious events such as the Pride Parade which I marched in.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome you participated in the parade, I'd like to hear about the experience. I did a walk for domestic violence once and it was extremely empowering. Your blog posts make for a refreshing read
